Monday, October 24, 2005

Dumbest Players award: First and Grand Prize - Mr Robert Pires and Mr Thierry Henry - Instead of scoring from 12 yards and putting your team 2 - 0 up, Pires and Henry decide to be 'clever' and attempt to pass it to one another and score. Pires miskicks his soft touch (how the #$%@ do you do that) to Henry and a freekick to the oposition is given. They tend to forget that they are no where near the incredible class of genius of Johan "Total Football' Cruyff and Jesper Olsen. This is a footballing lesson when you are disrespectful to other players, entertainment or not, football is about sportsmanship something clearly Henry (who does not want to take any blame for the penalty fiasco) and Pires do not have in abundance.. [They are French after all] Guardian correspondant puts it the best "It was a bit like deciding to sink a 12-inch putt snooker-fashion and rimming the hole, the debate over the legality obscuring the fact that it was a dumb thing to do in the first place." AND 'Wenger forgives madcap antics of dumb and dumber'

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Blogger F r e d d i e said...

i did not see it

25/10/05 23:44  

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